Wednesday 2 October 2013

Analysis of Contents Page

One thing that is effective about this contents page is that the name of the magazine 'NME' has been written at the top of the page in a clear blocked font, making it easy for the reader to find and read. The reader can also easily identify that this is a contents page by the masthead 'This Week' this allows the reader to find the contents page easily, and find out what is inside the magazine this week as soon as they pick up the magazine. The page also includes a distinctive house style, which makes the magazine professional and recognisable. The house style includes specific colours and fonts which are used throughout the magazine. The contents page also has many codes and conventions which meets the audience's needs and expectations; for example the date is at the top of the page, which is what the reader expects to see, there are also many features included with the page numbers that the reader can find these features on, allowing the reader to find the features they are interested in more easily.
The contents page includes two images which relate to the genre of magazine, this will create audience appeal, because they are interested in this particular genre of music and therefore they will be interested in these images, by including the images the page will appeal more to the audience, because it makes the page easier to read, because it takes up space which could've been used for text, however less text means that the page becomes fun to read, making the reader more likely to enjoy reading the magazine and persuading them to read on, because they see that the magazine is fun to read. The heading also starts off a short article about the main image, this encourages the reader to read more of the magazine, because the article is only short so the reader will want to read more.
The contents page has also used many subheadings for the content of the magazine, such as 'news', 'radar', and 'reviews' this makes it easier for the reader to find what they are looking for and makes the page look neat. One feature that is effective to include on the contents page is the reviews, because the audience will be interested in the magazine's opinion, because they enjoy reading the magazine. The audience will also be interested in reviews, because they will want to know which albums they should or should not buy.
Pugs are also used on the contents page, for example the arrow at the bottom of the page. This pug is effective, because it encourages the audience to turn the page, as it is an arrow pointing to the next pages and also says 'Starts p58', making the reader want to turn to that page to read the 'gig guide'. One last thing that I think is effective on this contents page is the subscription which is advertised at the bottom. By subscribing to the magazine the audience will get updates on the latest news and will be buying the magazine regularly. The page has also included an image of the front cover, which makes the magazine link together and makes the page look professional.

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