Wednesday 30 October 2013

Contact Sheet for Music Magazine

These are some examples of some images I could use for my cover page. The ticks represent the images that would be suitable for the cover, in terms of: rule of thirds, direct address, facial expressions and body language. The reason I will not be using the third image along is because the arms were cut off, so the image looks less effective. I will also not be using the fifth image, because the cover star is not looking directly at the camera, which means there is no direct address; without direct address the cover page would look less professional, and will not catch the readers attention as easily.
I have decided to use the ninth image on my front cover, because it is a medium close up, so the audience can see the stars facial expression easily, and link it to the genre of magazine, also the cover star looks directly at the camera, creating direct address which will make the audience engage with the magazine better. I have also chosen this image, because the cover star is also pointing at the audience, which will draw them in persuading them to buy the magazine and want to read it.

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