Monday 14 October 2013

Summer Photography

This will be good to use on my magazine, because it has the name of the pop group, and all of the members. This will also be a good image to use, as it is a long shot, so the viewer can see all of the group.

This will also be a good image to use inside the magazine, because it shows what was going on at the concert, and shows the viewer it was a large scale gig.

This is a good image to use inside the magazine, as it is a long shot, showing the whole of the stars in the image. This includes costumes and body language, showing the audience what was going on, on stage, at the gig.

This is also a good image to use as it is also a long shot, and has different lighting than other photos. Also the singer is in mid-song giving the audience a feel of the atmosphere at the time of the gig.

This is another good image to use, because it shows all of the group together, it is also a long shot which shows the full costumes. They are also speaking to the audience, which makes the reader of the magazine feel connected to the picture

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