Monday 28 October 2013

Ideas for masthead

Ideas for the masthead of my chart based music magazine


MUSIC NOW Times New Roman

MUSIC NOW Arial black

MUSIC NOW Bookman Old Style

MUSIC NOW Britannic Bold

MUSIC NOW Broadway

MUSIC NOW Felix tilting

MUSIC NOW Goudy Stout

MUSIC NOW Haettenschweiler

MUSIC NOW Rockwell Extra Bold



MUSIC NOW Wide Latin



The font that I think will be most suitable for the masthead, of my chart based music magazine, is Broadway. The reason this is my final decision is because it suits the genre of magazine. The way half of the ‘O’ is black and half is white shows contrast, which could link to contrast between different music artistes, this is effective, because it links to the genre as chart based music can vary, therefore there can be contrast between different chart based music. I think this font will appeal to the target audience, because it is easy to read and because I have a younger target audience it is also a fun font, which will grab there attention immediately making them want to buy the magazine. I will use this font for the masthead of each publication to create brand identity, which allows the audience to recognise the magazine straight away from the font.

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