Monday 14 October 2013

Survey Results

From looking at the results to my survey, I have decided to name my magazine Music Now. I have also decided to include artistes like Bruno Mars, and Cheryl Cole. My survey has shown that a purple and black colour scheme was most popular, so I have decided to use this as my house style in my magazine. The main special offers I will include will be free tickets and free posters, as these got the most results. In my magazine I will include features, such as interviews and photo galleries, as these were popular in my results. I will include a symbiotic relationship with a few social networking sites; the sites I will focus on creating synergy with will be: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram, as these are the ones which are used the most. I will include images from large venue concerts, as these will appeal most to my target audience, as I can see from my results that these type of venues are most popular. I will include a variety of adverts in my magazine, but I will focus mostly on adverts for music, clothing and merchandise, as these are most likely to grab the audience's attention, meaning they are more likely to buy from these adverts. I will include competitions, polls and subscriptions on my magazine, as these were also popular with my audience. Lastly, I will make my magazine between £1-£2 as this is how much most people are willing to pay.

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