Monday, 30 September 2013

Analysis of Double Page Spread

There are many codes and conventions used on the page, for example there is a headline, pull quote and there are columns for the text. The headline is an important convention to have, because it shows the reader what the article is about, the headline is also a pull quote, this is effective because it gives the reader an insight to the article. The way the text has been written in columns makes the page look neat and professional. This also makes the text easier to read, making it fun for the audience so that they enjoy reading the magazine, making it more likely for them to buy the magazine again.

Another convention the magazine uses is a by-line. This is important for the magazine, because it tells the reader who the journalist and photographer is, making sure the journalist and photographer get the credit that they deserve, which meets the audiences expectations. The magazine has also used the same house style, also making the page professional. By using the same font and colours the page is easy to read and links well with the rest of the magazine, making it recognisable to the audience.

The page has one main image, which shows distinct iconography, from the tattoos and the way the star is dressed we can tell that the article is around rock music. The body language and facial expression used by the artiste is also effective, because it also allows the audience to link to rock music, which they will enjoy (as they have bought the magazine) and will encourage them to continue reading. The image also links to the headline and article, this makes the article more fun for the audience and encourages them to read it. The stand first and pull quote also relate to the image creating anchorage, which slowly leads the audience into the article.

The double page spread has also included synergy, in the grey box which is used for extra information, synergy is used by having a web address included on the page. By having a website on the page the magazine is encouraging the reader to go online and find out more information on the magazine and see the latest news. This may then start positive word of mouth if they start talking about the magazine and its website with their friends.

One last thing I think is effective about this page is the way the text has been written. The writer has used highlighted some of the text to show the reader this is a question that the star will be answering, and then has put the answer underneath, this is effective because it makes the text fun and easy to read and lets the reader find the answer to a question they want to know easily. The writer has also used a dropped cap, which makes the text professional, and allows the reader to see where the article starts.

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