Monday 30 September 2013

Aquinas magazine front cover

One thing I think is good about my magazine front cover is the house style. I have used the same font and colours throughout the page, this is effective because it makes the page looks professional and the magazine will become recognisable by the house style. I also like having the logos to facebook, twitter, youtube and instagram, because it creates a symbiotic relationship, and will also get the reader to show more interest in the magazine as it will encourage them to 'follow', 'like', 'subscribe', etc to the magazine on these social networking sites, which could then start positive word of mouth for the magazine.
However, to improve my magazine next time I would make the logos smaller so that the attention isn't taken away from the cover line or cover star. I also think that if the logos were a similar size together as the barcode the page will look more professional. Another thing that I would do to my magazine front cover to improve it would be to include more cover features as there is some extra space on the right hand side, and I think that the magazine would look better if there was no excess space, therefore more cover features. I would also make the colour of the font for the website, at the bottom, a different colour so that it stands out, and so that the reader can see it more easily.

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