Wednesday 18 September 2013

Contact sheet

The ticks represent the images that could be used on the magazine front cover.The images that have been ticked have been chosen, because the backgrounds can be changed (if too busy) and the images are medium close ups, which look professional for a magazine front cover. The people in the images are also looking directly at the camera (facing the audience) making the image look presentable.

I won't be using the second image, because the body isn't facing the camera directly, therefore the image would not look professional on a magazine front cover. I also will not be using the fourth image, because the face is covered, which is also one of the reasons I will not be using the fifth image. Another reason I will not be using the fifth image is because of the lighting. I think that the image is too bright to be used on the front cover of a magzine.

The image I have chosen to use overall, is image eight, because there is a plain background, so the person stands out, also the rule of thirds works well, because the eyes are above the line of the first third. I will also be using this image, because the person is looking directly at the camera, making the image look professional.

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