Wednesday 20 November 2013

Front cover comparison analysis

The front cover of Billboard Magazine is similar to my magazine, because the masthead is at the top of the page, this allows the audience to see the name of the magazine easily and also persuades them to buy the magazine again, because the name is known to them. Billboard magazine has also used a particular house style to make the magazine look professional and easy to read, which will remain the same throughout the magazine, this is similar to my magazine, however the colours are different. I have chosen these colours to appeal to my target audience, as my magazine is aimed at teenaged girls, therefore the colours which have been chosen for this issue of Billboard Magazine would not appeal to my readers. This magazine front cover is also similar to mine, because the photographer has used a mid-shot of the cover star, and has made the cover star look directly at the camera, creating 'the gaze'. I have also used 'the gaze' to grab the audience's attention, as the magazine looks more welcoming if the cover star is giving direct contact to the audience. I have also positioned the cover star at the centre of the page, like Billboard Magazine, to make the cover star stand out. The cover star is one of the most important things on the front cover, as this usually persuades the reader to buy the magazine, e.g. they may know of the cover star causing them to want to buy the magazine, therefore the star should be at the centre so that it will be one of the first things that the audience will see, furthermore grabbing their attention and making them want to buy the magazine. My magazine is also similar to Billboard Magazine, because the cover line - the cover feature that relates to the main image - is the biggest cover feature, this makes it stand out and makes the page look more professional. Another similarity that both my magazine and Billboard Magazine share is how the text is blocked; this makes the text on the page easier to read, which will give the reader more reason to read on. Also both magazines have highlighted some of the cover features to make the text stand out and look more professional.
In contrast to Billboard Magazine I have used a pug to make my promo stand out, I think this is effective because it catches the reader's attention and makes them read what is in the auto-shape (which is a 'chance to win'), therefore the audience are more likely to buy the magazine as they will want to win the Topshop voucher, which has been used to create audience appeal. My magazine also differs from this issue of Billboard Magazine, because I have created a symbiotic relationship by including social networking sites and the website for the magazine. This use of synergy will persuade the audience to get involved in the magazine, and may create positive word of mouth as they may 'tweet' about it with their friends, and 'like' or 'follow' the magazine on various social networking sites; this will also get the magazine better known creating more readers. I have also included a banner at the bottom of the page to include extra features inside the magazine, which differs to Billboard Magazine as there is no banner. I have also included the banner to make the page look professional and I used pink to fit in with my house style which also appeals to the target audience. My front cover also has a barcode in the bottom corner to show that the product is real, and it also shows that it the magazine is official which will encourage the reader to buy the product.

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