My media product will be aimed at a mass audience of teenage girls, this is because from my questionnaire results I have found the most common clothing store to shop was Topshop which is highly popular with young females. Also all types of music was very popular, showing that a chart based magazine would be most preferred, which would appeal to teenage girls. From the questionnaire I also found that most people read magazines such as Cosmopolitan and Look, these types of magazines are targeted at females therefore I have decided that my magazine will also be aimed at females, however of a slightly younger age. My target audience will also be passive mainstreamers, as they will enjoy chart-based music and therefore will be influenced by the people around them and what is going on now. My audience are from groups D and E of the socio-economic scale, as it will mainly be students who are buying the magazine because it will appeal to younger people who are interested in music that is currently in the charts.
My primary audience will be teenage girls who are interested in music that is in the charts now and who are interested in celebrity lifestyle and fashion, my secondary audience would not be people who have bought the product, but people who would read it if their family members have bought it, this may include parents, siblings and friends who have borrowed the magazine.
Questionnaire results:
My target audience will enjoy chart based music and will be interested in fashion, as my media
product has a hybrid genre of chart based music and fashion. My target audience should like shops such as Topshop and Newlook, because the fashion included in the magazine will be mostly around these stores. They should also be interested in artistes such as: Cheryl Cole, Bruno Mars and Katy Perry, because these are popular chart-based artistes that will be mentioned in my magazine regularly. An example of the type of things that will appeal to my target audience are shown below:

There will also be a variety of social networking sites that will appeal to my target audience, this has been shown in my questionnaire. The most popular social networking sites were Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram.
I think that my media product would be similar to Billboard Magazine, as they share the same target audience and hybrid genre of chart music and fashion. I also believe that my product will appeal to mainstreamers like Billboard Magazine, and may also appeal to a wider range of people, as I have decided to include various artists which appeal to more than one specific group of people.
The demographic for my magazine would be mainstreamers who are interested in celebrity lifestyle, fashion and music. My biggest rival publications would be magazine such as Billboard Magazine, Seventeen Magazine and Look. Billboard Magazine and Seventeen Magazine are both mainly sold in the US making the products less of a problem to compete against, as my media product would be sold in the UK. Look magazine is also a big competitor, as it is a well-known, popular fashion magazine that is sold in the UK, to make my product stand out against Look I will focus primarily on the music so that it is different to Look, but I will also include many fashion pages to appeal to my target audience and make them more likely to buy my product. I will also offer free giveaways and prizes for competitions that will appeal to my target audience and use this as my unique selling point.
Audience idols:
While making my magazine I looked at artistes that are well known in chart music, for example Katy Perry, Bruno Mars and Taylor Swift. I chose to focus on artistes like these as they appeal to my target audience as they all link to chart based and pop music. To make my magazine appeal to the audience further I decided to also include celebrities that the audience will look up to as fashion icons, for example Katy Perry has been known to influence fans on the way they dress and so I have also focussed on the fashion that these artistes have and the way they inspire fans to dress similar. On the other hand I would not include celebrities such as Arctic Monkeys, The Vaccines or Jake Bugg, because these would not appeal to my target audience as they are not in chart based/pop music meaning mainstreamers would not be influenced much by their style. Also they will not like to see artistes such as these, because they do not fit in with the genre of music.