Thursday 21 November 2013

Double page spread comparison analysis


My double page spread is similar to Billboard Magazine's double page spread, because both magazines have one main image taking up a full page, and one secondary image in one of the columns. The main image grabs the readers attention straight away and makes the double page spread look more interesting and fun to read. The double page spreads are also similar, because they both have a pull quote to draw the reader into the article. The text in both double page spreads is split into columns, this makes the text easier to read, as there is smaller chunks of text rather than a page full of paragraphs, this also relates to my target audience because they will want a page that is fun to read, therefore they are more likely to be interested in reading this page if the text is in small chunks and columns. The magazine's double page spreads are also similar as they include page numbers at the bottom of the pages making it clear to the reader which page it is on, so that the reader can find the page easily from the contents page. Both magazines have used a house style that links to the target audience, one colour that has been used is pink which relates to the target audience as the connotations of pink is 'girly' and pretty, which will appeal to young girls who are likely to read these magazines.
My double page spread differs from the Billboard Magazine double page spread, because I have included a grey box, this gives extra information to the reader, for example: I have included a website in the grey box to encourage audience participation. Another difference that is noticeable between my magazine and Billboard Magazine's double page spread is the by-line. I have included my by-line at the start of the article making it visible to the reader and easy to find. The by-line includes the name of the journalist and photographer and allows the journalist/photographer to get full credit for their work and allows the reader to see who they are.

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