Wednesday 18 September 2013

Pie chart questionnaire

By looking at my pie charts from the questionnaires I handed out, I have found that rock music and pop are the most popular, as well as 'all types of music'. I have also found that most people use twitter, followed by facebook, I have also found that comedy films are the most popular genre. When looking at television programmes I have found that Coronation Street and Friends are the most preferred from the people answering my questionnaire. The majority of the people also shop at Topshop, and spend their free time reading and socialising with friends. Capital FM seems to be the favourite radio station according to my questionnaire, and there are a wide range of magazine choices. Most people enjoy dance as a hobby, and according to the pie charts snack food is most popular food.
From my research the three features I will include in my own magazine will be: chart music, Twitter and Facebook, and Topshop fashion.
Although the majority of people enjoy rock music,I have chosen to feature chart music, because chart music is usually a mixture of different genres of music, (mainly based around pop music, which was the second most popular) also a lot of people said they liked all music, showing that chart music will be a success. Another reason I am going to include chart music is because most people said they enjoyed capital fm, which is chart music, therefore they will enjoy the magazine if it features chart music.
My second feature will be Facebook and twitter as this will create synergy. Most people used facebook and twitter, which is why I am going to feature them on my magazine, because the audience will go on the social networking sites and help advertise the magazine.
My third feature is Topshop, I will include Topshop vouchers and clothing, because it was the most popular place to shop. This will get the audience more interested in the magazine and willing to invest money into it and buy things from it.

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